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HomeData PlansEtisalat9Mobile Data Share: How to Share 9mobile Data with Friends

9Mobile Data Share: How to Share 9mobile Data with Friends

If you are on the 9mobile network then you ought to know how to share your data with friends and family. This is why we’ve taken out time to write this guide on how you can share 9mobile data with your friends and family or anybody else you would like to share it with.

9mobile data sharing is of two types and we will be discussing what the two is all about along with how you can make use of both of them depending on the situation. So without further ado let’s get right down to it.

9Mobile Data Share: How to Share 9mobile Data with Friends and Family

9mobile data share
9mobile data share

As I said earlier, there are two types of 9mobile Data share which we will be walking through here for you to choose. These data share types include Data Balance Transfer and Multi-Device Plan.

9mobile Data Balance Transfer

Data balance transfer as the name suggests allows you to transfer your data from your 9mobile line to another 9mobile line. This is good for gifting your friend with some data which should last them a little while until they subscribe. However, there is a catch.

For you to be able to make use of the 9mobile data transfer, you’ll need to have at least 100MB or more of your data available on your line. Also, you can only transfer between 10MB to 50MB which means the minimum amount of data you can transfer is 10MB while the maximum is 50MB. You can do this up to 5 times a day which is a daily limit 250MB.

You can not transfer data that was transferred to you. You can only transfer the data that you purchased. To transfer data from your 9mobile line to another 9mobile number, simply follow the steps below.

*229*Phone Number*Amount of data*Transfer Pin#. For example, *229*08012345678*30*0000#

As for the transfer pin, the default is 0000 but if you’ve changed it before then you will have to use the current PIN. To change your transfer PIN, simply dial *247*old pin*new pin#.

So if you have changed it before and want to change it now then just dial *247*0000*1234#. Replace the “1234” with whatever you want your new transfer pin to be.

9Mobile Multi-Device Plan

The Multi-Device Plan is good for a group of friends or family that want to get the most out of their data plan. There is no doubt that higher data bundles come with higher discounts. With this multi-device plan, multiple people can buy one big data bundled together on one 9mobile SIM and make use of it on different 9mobile lines.

First, you have to know your PUC code which is written at the frame/body of your SIM pack as well as knowing your transfer PIN which we’ve explained in the first method. Once you have these two things sorted out, then we can begin. Simply follow the steps below.

  1. On the main number which the data bundle is done, dial *215*PIN*1*New Number*New PUC#
  2. The PIN up there is your transfer pin and the new number is your friend’s 9mobile number which you want to share the data bundle with, then your PUC code.

To add another number, simply remove the “1” and add “2”, “3” or “4”. After doing that, the added number should be able to browse using the other 9mobile number data bundle.

Got questions ? Feel free to let us know through the comment section down below and we’ll be able to clear things up.

Obodo David
Obodo David
Obodo David is a senior writer at He likes all things tech but has a keen interest in the mobile segment of things. If he isn't following up on the latest smartphone trends, he is most likely playing mobile games or catching up with his favorite Tv shows.Mobile Gamer || TechLover || Android Soldier || Phone Geek || Future PC Gamer